CODIUM Programming Language (CPL) CodiumSDK CPL MimeTypes
July 14, 2023 at 8:30 PM
Espacio de nombres: CodiumSDK.CPL
Ensamblado: CodiumSDK.dll
Ensamblado: CodiumSDK.dll
Class with list of main Mime Types
C# |
public static class MimeTypes : System.Object |
Nombre | Descripción | |
_3dm | x-world/x-3dmf | |
_3dmf | x-world/x-3dmf | |
A | application/octet-stream | |
Aab | application/x-authorware-bin | |
Aam | application/x-authorware-map | |
Aas | application/x-authorware-seg | |
Abc | text/ | |
Acgi | text/html | |
Afl | video/animaflex | |
Ai | application/postscript | |
Aif_1 | audio/aiff | |
Aif_2 | audio/x-aiff | |
Aifc_1 | audio/aiff | |
Aifc_2 | audio/x-aiff | |
Aiff_1 | audio/aiff | |
Aiff_2 | audio/x-aiff | |
Aim | application/x-aim | |
Aip | text/x-audiosoft-intra | |
Ani | application/x-navi-animation | |
Aos | application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software | |
Aps | application/mime | |
Arc | application/octet-stream | |
Arj_1 | application/arj | |
Arj_2 | application/octet-stream | |
Art | image/x-jg | |
Asf | video/x-ms-asf | |
Asm | text/x-asm | |
Asp | text/asp | |
Asx | application/x-mplayer2 | |
Asx_1 | video/x-ms-asf | |
Asx_2 | video/x-ms-asf-plugin | |
Au_1 | audio/basic | |
Au_2 | audio/x-au | |
Avi_1 | application/x-troff-msvideo | |
Avi_2 | video/avi | |
Avi_3 | video/msvideo | |
Avi_4 | video/x-msvideo | |
Avs | video/avs-video | |
Bcpio | application/x-bcpio | |
Bin_1 | application/mac-binary | |
Bin_2 | application/macbinary | |
Bin_3 | application/octet-stream | |
Bin_4 | application/x-binary | |
Bin_5 | application/x-macbinary | |
Bm | image/bmp | |
Bmp_1 | image/bmp | |
Bmp_2 | image/x-windows-bmp | |
Boo | application/book | |
Book | application/book | |
Boz | application/x-bzip2 | |
Bsh | application/x-bsh | |
Bz | application/x-bzip | |
Bz2 | application/x-bzip2 | |
C | text/plain | |
Cat | application/ | |
Cc_1 | text/plain | |
Cc_2 | text/x-c | |
Ccad | application/clariscad | |
Cco | application/x-cocoa | |
Cdf_1 | application/cdf | |
Cdf_2 | application/x-cdf | |
Cdf_3 | application/x-netcdf | |
Cer_1 | application/pkix-cert | |
Cer_2 | application/x-x509-ca-cert | |
Cha | application/x-chat | |
Chat | application/x-chat | |
Class_1 | application/java | |
Class_2 | application/java-byte-code | |
Class_3 | application/x-java-class | |
Com_1 | application/octet-stream | |
Com_2 | text/plain | |
Conf | text/plain | |
Cpio | application/x-cpio | |
Cpp | text/x-c | |
Cpt_1 | application/mac-compactpro | |
Cpt_2 | application/x-compactpro | |
Cpt_3 | application/x-cpt | |
Crl_1 | application/pkcs-crl | |
Crl_2 | application/pkix-crl | |
Crt_1 | application/pkix-cert | |
Crt_2 | application/x-x509-ca-cert | |
Crt_3 | application/x-x509-user-cert | |
Csh_1 | application/x-csh | |
Csh_2 | text/x-script.csh | |
Css_1 | application/x-pointplus | |
Css_2 | text/css | |
Cxx | text/plain | |
Dcr | application/x-director | |
Deepv | application/x-deepv | |
Def | text/plain | |
Der | application/x-x509-ca-cert | |
Dif | video/x-dv | |
Dir | application/x-director | |
Dl_1 | video/dl | |
Dl_2 | video/x-dl | |
Doc | application/msword | |
Dot | application/msword | |
Dp | application/commonground | |
Drw | application/drafting | |
Dump | application/octet-stream | |
Dv | video/x-dv | |
Dvi | application/x-dvi | |
Dwf_1 | drawing/x-dwf (old) | |
Dwf_2 | model/vnd.dwf | |
Dwg_1 | image/vnd.dwg | |
Dwg_2 | image/x-dwg | |
Dwg_3 | application/acad | |
Dxf | application/dxf | |
Dxf_1 | image/vnd.dwg | |
Dxf_2 | image/x-dwg | |
Dxr | application/x-director | |
El | text/x-script.elisp | |
Elc_1 | application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp) | |
Elc_2 | application/x-elc | |
Env | application/x-envoy | |
Eps | application/postscript | |
Es | application/x-esrehber | |
Etx | text/x-setext | |
Evy_1 | application/envoy | |
Evy_2 | application/x-envoy | |
Exe | application/octet-stream | |
F_1 | text/plain | |
F_2 | text/x-fortran | |
F77 | text/x-fortran | |
F90_1 | text/plain | |
F90_2 | text/x-fortran | |
Fdf | application/vnd.fdf | |
Fif_1 | application/fractals | |
Fif_2 | image/fif | |
Fli_1 | video/fli | |
Fli_2 | video/x-fli | |
Flo | image/florian | |
Flx | text/vnd.fmi.flexstor | |
Fmf | video/x-atomic3d-feature | |
For_1 | text/plain | |
For_2 | text/x-fortran | |
Fpx_1 | image/vnd.fpx | |
Fpx_2 | image/ | |
Frl | application/freeloader | |
Funk | audio/make | |
G | text/plain | |
G3 | image/g3fax | |
Gif | image/gif | |
Gl_1 | video/gl | |
Gl_2 | video/x-gl | |
Gsd | audio/x-gsm | |
Gsm | audio/x-gsm | |
Gsp | application/x-gsp | |
Gss | application/x-gss | |
Gtar | application/x-gtar | |
Gz_1 | application/x-compressed | |
Gz_2 | application/x-gzip | |
Gzip_1 | application/x-gzip | |
Gzip_2 | multipart/x-gzip | |
H_1 | text/plain | |
H_2 | text/x-h | |
Hdf | application/x-hdf | |
Help | application/x-helpfile | |
Hgl | application/vnd.hp-hpgl | |
Hh_1 | text/plain | |
Hh_2 | text/x-h | |
Hlb | text/x-script | |
Hlp_1 | application/hlp | |
Hlp_2 | application/x-helpfile | |
Hlp_3 | application/x-winhelp | |
Hpg | application/vnd.hp-hpgl | |
Hpgl | application/vnd.hp-hpgl | |
Hqx_1 | application/binhex | |
Hqx_2 | application/binhex4 | |
Hqx_3 | application/mac-binhex | |
Hqx_4 | application/mac-binhex40 | |
Hqx_5 | application/x-binhex40 | |
Hqx_6 | application/x-mac-binhex40 | |
Hta | application/hta | |
Htc | text/x-component | |
Htm | text/html | |
Html | text/html | |
Htmls | text/html | |
Htt | text/webviewhtml | |
Htx | text/html | |
Ice | x-conference/x-cooltalk | |
Ico | image/x-icon | |
Idc | text/plain | |
Ief | image/ief | |
Iefs | image/ief | |
Iges_1 | application/iges | |
Iges_2 | model/iges | |
Igs_1 | application/iges | |
Igs_2 | model/iges | |
Ima | application/x-ima | |
Imap | application/x-httpd-imap | |
Inf | application/inf | |
Ins | application/x-internett-signup | |
Ip | application/x-ip2 | |
Isu | video/x-isvideo | |
It | audio/it | |
Iv | application/x-inventor | |
Ivr | i-world/i-vrml | |
Ivy | application/x-livescreen | |
Jam | audio/x-jam | |
Jav_1 | text/plain | |
Jav_2 | text/x-java-source | |
Java_1 | text/plain | |
Java_2 | text/x-java-source | |
Jcm | application/x-java-commerce | |
Jfif_1 | image/jpeg | |
Jfif_2 | image/pjpeg | |
JfifTbnl | image/jpeg | |
Jpe_1 | image/jpeg | |
Jpe_2 | image/pjpeg | |
Jpeg_1 | image/jpeg | |
Jpeg_2 | image/pjpeg | |
Jpg_1 | image/jpeg | |
Jpg_2 | image/pjpeg | |
Jps | image/x-jps | |
Js_1 | application/x-javascript | |
Js_2 | application/javascript | |
Js_3 | application/ecmascript | |
Js_4 | text/javascript | |
Js_5 | text/ecmascript | |
Jut | image/jutvision | |
Kar_1 | audio/midi | |
Kar_2 | music/x-karaoke | |
Ksh_1 | application/x-ksh | |
Ksh_2 | text/x-script.ksh | |
La_1 | audio/nspaudio | |
La_2 | audio/x-nspaudio | |
Lam | audio/x-liveaudio | |
Latex | application/x-latex | |
Lha_1 | application/lha | |
Lha_2 | application/octet-stream | |
Lha_3 | application/x-lha | |
Lhx | application/octet-stream | |
List | text/plain | |
Lma_1 | audio/nspaudio | |
Lma_2 | audio/x-nspaudio | |
Log | text/plain | |
Lsp_1 | application/x-lisp | |
Lsp_2 | text/x-script.lisp | |
Lst | text/plain | |
Lsx | text/x-la-asf | |
Ltx | application/x-latex | |
Lzh_1 | application/octet-stream | |
Lzh_2 | application/x-lzh | |
Lzx_1 | application/lzx | |
Lzx_2 | application/octet-stream | |
Lzx_3 | application/x-lzx | |
M_1 | text/plain | |
M_2 | text/x-m | |
M1V | video/mpeg | |
M2A | audio/mpeg | |
M2V | video/mpeg | |
M3U | audio/x-mpequrl | |
M4a | audio/mp4 | |
Man | application/x-troff-man | |
Map | application/x-navimap | |
Mar | text/plain | |
Mbd | application/mbedlet | |
Mc | application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0 | |
Mcd_1 | application/mcad | |
Mcd_2 | application/x-mathcad | |
Mcf_1 | image/vasa | |
Mcf_2 | text/mcf | |
Mcp | application/netmc | |
Me | application/x-troff-me | |
Mht | message/rfc822 | |
Mhtml | message/rfc822 | |
Mid_1 | application/x-midi | |
Mid_2 | audio/midi | |
Mid_3 | audio/x-mid | |
Mid_4 | audio/x-midi | |
Mid_5 | music/crescendo | |
Mid_6 | x-music/x-midi | |
Midi_1 | application/x-midi | |
Midi_2 | audio/midi | |
Midi_3 | audio/x-mid | |
Midi_5 | audio/x-midi | |
Midi_6 | music/crescendo | |
Midi_7 | x-music/x-midi | |
Mif_1 | application/x-frame | |
Mif_2 | application/x-mif | |
Mime_1 | message/rfc822 | |
Mime_2 | www/mime | |
Mjf | audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile | |
Mjpg | video/x-motion-jpeg | |
Mm_1 | application/base64 | |
Mm_2 | application/x-meme | |
Mme | application/base64 | |
Mod_1 | audio/mod | |
Mod_2 | audio/x-mod | |
Moov | video/quicktime | |
Mov | video/quicktime | |
Movie | video/x-sgi-movie | |
Mp2_1 | audio/mpeg | |
Mp2_2 | audio/x-mpeg | |
Mp2_3 | video/mpeg | |
Mp2_4 | video/x-mpeg | |
Mp2_5 | video/x-mpeq2a | |
Mp3_1 | audio/mpeg3 | |
Mp3_2 | audio/x-mpeg-3 | |
Mp3_3 | video/mpeg | |
Mp3_4 | video/x-mpeg | |
Mpa_1 | audio/mpeg | |
Mpa_2 | video/mpeg | |
Mpc | application/x-project | |
Mpe | video/mpeg | |
Mpeg | video/mpeg | |
Mpg_1 | audio/mpeg | |
Mpg_2 | video/mpeg | |
Mpga | audio/mpeg | |
Mpp | application/ | |
Mpt | application/x-project | |
Mpv | application/x-project | |
Mpx | application/x-project | |
Mrc | application/marc | |
Ms | application/x-troff-ms | |
Mv | video/x-sgi-movie | |
My | audio/make | |
Mzz | application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz | |
Nap | image/naplps | |
Naplps | image/naplps | |
Nc | application/x-netcdf | |
Ncm | application/ | |
Nif | image/x-niff | |
Niff | image/x-niff | |
Nix | application/x-mix-transfer | |
Nsc | application/x-conference | |
Nvd | application/x-navidoc | |
O | audio/ogg | |
Oda | application/oda | |
Ogg | audio/ogg | |
Omc | application/x-omc | |
Omcd | application/x-omcdatamaker | |
Omcr | application/x-omcregerator | |
P | text/x-pascal | |
P10_1 | application/pkcs10 | |
P10_2 | application/x-pkcs10 | |
P12_1 | application/pkcs-12 | |
P12_2 | application/x-pkcs12 | |
P7A | application/x-pkcs7-signature | |
P7C_1 | application/pkcs7-mime | |
P7C_2 | application/x-pkcs7-mime | |
P7M_1 | application/pkcs7-mime | |
P7M_2 | application/x-pkcs7-mime | |
P7R | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | |
P7S | application/pkcs7-signature | |
Part | application/pro_eng | |
Pas | text/pascal | |
Pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap | |
Pcl_1 | application/vnd.hp-pcl | |
Pcl_2 | application/x-pcl | |
Pct | image/x-pict | |
Pcx | image/x-pcx | |
Pdb | chemical/x-pdb | |
application/pdf | ||
Pfunk_1 | audio/make | |
Pfunk_2 | audio/ | |
Pgm_1 | image/x-portable-graymap | |
Pgm_2 | image/x-portable-greymap | |
Pic | image/pict | |
Pict | image/pict | |
Pkg | application/x-newton-compatible-pkg | |
Pko | application/ | |
Pl_1 | text/plain | |
Pl_2 | text/x-script.perl | |
Plx | application/x-pixclscript | |
Pm_1 | image/x-xpixmap | |
Pm_2 | text/x-script.perl-module | |
Pm4 | application/x-pagemaker | |
Pm5 | application/x-pagemaker | |
Png | image/png | |
Pnm_1 | application/x-portable-anymap | |
Pnm_2 | image/x-portable-anymap | |
Pot_1 | application/mspowerpoint | |
Pot_2 | application/ | |
Pov | model/x-pov | |
Ppa | application/ | |
Ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap | |
Pps_1 | application/mspowerpoint | |
Pps_2 | application/ | |
Ppt_1 | application/mspowerpoint | |
Ppt_2 | application/powerpoint | |
Ppt_3 | application/ | |
Ppt_4 | application/x-mspowerpoint | |
Ppz | application/mspowerpoint | |
Pre | application/x-freelance | |
Prt | application/pro_eng | |
Ps | application/postscript | |
Psd | application/octet-stream | |
Pvu | paleovu/x-pv | |
Pwz | application/ | |
Py | text/x-script.phyton | |
Pyc | application/x-bytecode.python | |
Qcp | audio/vnd.qcelp | |
Qd3 | x-world/x-3dmf | |
Qd3D | x-world/x-3dmf | |
Qif | image/x-quicktime | |
Qt | video/quicktime | |
Qtc | video/x-qtc | |
Qti | image/x-quicktime | |
Qtif | image/x-quicktime | |
Ra_1 | audio/x-pn-realaudio | |
Ra_2 | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin | |
Ra_3 | audio/x-realaudio | |
Ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio | |
Ras_1 | application/x-cmu-raster | |
Ras_2 | image/cmu-raster | |
Ras_3 | image/x-cmu-raster | |
Rast | image/cmu-raster | |
Rexx | text/x-script.rexx | |
Rf | image/vnd.rn-realflash | |
Rgb | image/x-rgb | |
Rm_1 | application/vnd.rn-realmedia | |
Rm_2 | audio/x-pn-realaudio | |
Rmi | audio/mid | |
Rmm | audio/x-pn-realaudio | |
Rmp_1 | audio/x-pn-realaudio | |
Rmp_2 | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin | |
Rng_1 | application/ringing-tones | |
Rng_2 | application/ | |
Rnx | application/vnd.rn-realplayer | |
Roff | application/x-troff | |
Rp | image/vnd.rn-realpix | |
Rpm | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin | |
Rt_1 | text/richtext | |
Rt_2 | text/vnd.rn-realtext | |
Rtf_1 | application/rtf | |
Rtf_2 | application/x-rtf | |
Rtf_3 | text/richtext | |
Rtx_1 | application/rtf | |
Rtx_2 | text/richtext | |
Rv | video/vnd.rn-realvideo | |
S | text/x-asm | |
S3M | audio/s3m | |
Saveme | application/octet-stream | |
Sbk | application/x-tbook | |
Scm | application/x-lotusscreencam | |
Scm_1 | text/x-script.guile | |
Scm_2 | text/x-script.scheme | |
Scm_4 | video/x-scm | |
Sdml | text/plain | |
Sdp_1 | application/sdp | |
Sdp_2 | application/x-sdp | |
Sdr | application/sounder | |
Sea_1 | application/sea | |
Sea_2 | application/x-sea | |
Set | application/set | |
Sgm_1 | text/sgml | |
Sgm_2 | text/x-sgml | |
Sgml_1 | text/sgml | |
Sgml_2 | text/x-sgml | |
Sh_1 | application/x-bsh | |
Sh_2 | application/x-sh | |
Sh_3 | application/x-shar | |
Sh_4 | text/ | |
Shar_1 | application/x-bsh | |
Shar_2 | application/x-shar | |
Shtml_1 | text/html | |
Shtml_2 | text/x-server-parsed-html | |
Sid | audio/x-psid | |
Sit_1 | application/x-sit | |
Sit_2 | application/x-stuffit | |
Skd | application/x-koan | |
Skm | application/x-koan | |
Skp | application/x-koan | |
Skt | application/x-koan | |
Sl | application/x-seelogo | |
Smi | application/smil | |
Smil | application/smil | |
Snd_1 | audio/basic | |
Snd_2 | audio/x-adpcm | |
Sol | application/solids | |
Spc_1 | application/x-pkcs7-certificates | |
Spc_2 | text/x-speech | |
Spl | application/futuresplash | |
Spr | application/x-sprite | |
Sprite | application/x-sprite | |
Src | application/x-wais-source | |
Ssi | text/x-server-parsed-html | |
Ssm | application/streamingmedia | |
Sst | application/ | |
Step | application/step | |
Stl_1 | application/sla | |
Stl_2 | application/ | |
Stl_3 | application/x-navistyle | |
Stp | application/step | |
Sv4Cpio | application/x-sv4cpio | |
Sv4Crc | application/x-sv4crc | |
Svf_1 | image/vnd.dwg | |
Svf_2 | image/x-dwg | |
Svr_1 | application/x-world | |
Svr_2 | x-world/x-svr | |
Swf | application/x-shockwave-flash | |
T | application/x-troff | |
Talk | text/x-speech | |
Tar | application/x-tar | |
Tbk_1 | application/toolbook | |
Tbk_2 | application/x-tbook | |
Tcl_1 | application/x-tcl | |
Tcl_2 | text/x-script.tcl | |
Tcsh | text/x-script.tcsh | |
Tex | application/x-tex | |
Texi | application/x-texinfo | |
Texinfo | application/x-texinfo | |
Text_1 | application/plain | |
Text_2 | text/plain | |
Tgz_1 | application/gnutar | |
Tgz_2 | application/x-compressed | |
Tif_1 | image/tiff | |
Tif_2 | image/x-tiff | |
Tiff_1 | image/tiff | |
Tiff_2 | image/x-tiff | |
Tr | application/x-troff | |
Tsi | audio/tsp-audio | |
Tsp_1 | application/dsptype | |
Tsp_2 | audio/tsplayer | |
Tsv | text/tab-separated-values | |
Turbot | image/florian | |
Txt | text/plain | |
Uil | text/x-uil | |
Uni | text/uri-list | |
Unis | text/uri-list | |
Unv | application/i-deas | |
Uri | text/uri-list | |
Uris | text/uri-list | |
Ustar_1 | application/x-ustar | |
Ustar_2 | multipart/x-ustar | |
Uu_1 | application/octet-stream | |
Uu_2 | text/x-uuencode | |
Uue | text/x-uuencode | |
Vcd | application/x-cdlink | |
Vcs | text/x-vcalendar | |
Vda | application/vda | |
Vdo | video/vdo | |
Vew | application/groupwise | |
Viv_1 | video/vivo | |
Viv_2 | video/ | |
Vivo_1 | video/vivo | |
Vivo_2 | video/ | |
Vmd | application/vocaltec-media-desc | |
Vmf | application/vocaltec-media-file | |
Voc_1 | audio/voc | |
Voc_2 | audio/x-voc | |
Vos | video/vosaic | |
Vox | audio/voxware | |
Vqe | audio/x-twinvq-plugin | |
Vqf | audio/x-twinvq | |
Vql | audio/x-twinvq-plugin | |
Vrml_1 | application/x-vrml | |
Vrml_2 | model/vrml | |
Vrml_3 | x-world/x-vrml | |
Vrt | x-world/x-vrt | |
Vsd | application/x-visio | |
Vst | application/x-visio | |
Vsw | application/x-visio | |
W60 | application/wordperfect6.0 | |
W61 | application/wordperfect6.1 | |
W6W | application/msword | |
Wav_1 | audio/wav | |
Wav_2 | audio/x-wav | |
Wb1 | application/x-qpro | |
Wbmp | image/vnd.wap.wbmp | |
Web | application/vnd.xara | |
Wiz | application/msword | |
Wk1 | application/x-123 | |
Wmf | windows/metafile | |
Wml | text/vnd.wap.wml | |
Wmlc | application/vnd.wap.wmlc | |
Wmls | text/vnd.wap.wmlscript | |
Wmlsc | application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc | |
Word | application/msword | |
Wp | application/wordperfect | |
Wp5_1 | application/wordperfect | |
Wp5_2 | application/wordperfect6.0 | |
Wp6 | application/wordperfect | |
Wpd_1 | application/wordperfect | |
Wpd_2 | application/x-wpwin | |
Wq1 | application/x-lotus | |
Wri_1 | application/mswrite | |
Wri_2 | application/x-wri | |
Wrl_1 | application/x-world | |
Wrl_2 | model/vrml | |
Wrl_3 | x-world/x-vrml | |
Wrz_1 | model/vrml | |
Wrz_2 | x-world/x-vrml | |
Wsc | text/scriplet | |
Wsrc | application/x-wais-source | |
Wtk | application/x-wintalk | |
Xbm_1 | image/x-xbitmap | |
Xbm_2 | image/x-xbm | |
Xbm_3 | image/xbm | |
Xdr | video/x-amt-demorun | |
Xgz | xgl/drawing | |
Xif | image/vnd.xiff | |
Xl | application/excel | |
Xla_1 | application/excel | |
Xla_2 | application/x-excel | |
Xla_3 | application/x-msexcel | |
Xlb_1 | application/excel | |
Xlb_2 | application/ | |
Xlb_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xlc_1 | application/excel | |
Xlc_2 | application/ | |
Xlc_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xld_1 | application/excel | |
Xld_2 | application/x-excel | |
Xlk_1 | application/excel | |
Xlk_2 | application/x-excel | |
Xll_1 | application/excel | |
Xll_2 | application/ | |
Xll_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xlm_1 | application/excel | |
Xlm_2 | application/ | |
Xlm_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xls_1 | application/excel | |
Xls_2 | application/ | |
Xls_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xls_4 | application/x-msexcel | |
Xlt_1 | application/excel | |
Xlt_2 | application/x-excel | |
Xlv_1 | application/excel | |
Xlv_2 | application/x-excel | |
Xlw | application/excel | |
Xlw_1 | application/excel | |
Xlw_2 | application/ | |
Xlw_3 | application/x-excel | |
Xm | audio/xm | |
Xml_1 | application/xml | |
Xml_2 | text/xml | |
Xmz | xgl/movie | |
Xpix | application/ | |
Xpm_1 | image/x-xpixmap | |
Xpm_2 | image/xpm | |
XPng | image/png | |
Xsr | video/x-amt-showrun | |
Xwd_1 | image/x-xwd | |
Xwd_2 | image/x-xwindowdump | |
Xyz | chemical/x-pdb | |
Z_1 | application/x-compress | |
Z_2 | application/x-compressed | |
Zip_1 | application/x-compressed | |
Zip_2 | application/x-zip-compressed | |
Zip_3 | application/zip | |
Zip_4 | multipart/x-zip | |
Zoo | application/octet-stream | |
Zsh | text/x-script.zsh |