CODIUM Programming Language (CPL) CodiumSDK CPL Extentions CSSExtentions
July 14, 2023 at 8:30 PMEnsamblado: CodiumSDK.dll
C# |
public static class CSSExtentions : System.Object |
Nombre | Descripción | |
AddCSSRuleForMedia(cssRule) | Add CSS Rule for Media | |
AddKeyFrameSelector(keyFramesSelector) | Add Key Frame Selector to @keyframes | |
AddRule(name, value, comment) | Add Rule | |
AlignContent(value, comment) | The align-content property modifies the behavior of the flex-wrap property. It is similar to align-items, but instead of aligning flex items, it aligns flex lines. | |
AlignItems(value, comment) | The align-items property specifies the default alignment for items inside the flexible container. | |
AlignSelf(value, comment) | Center the alignments for one of the items inside a flexible element. | |
All(value, comment) | The all property resets all properties, apart from unicode-bidi and direction, to their initial or inherited value. | |
Animation(duration, durationUnit, delay, delayUnit, timingFunction, direction, fill, number, name, playstate, comment) | Animation | |
AnimationDelay(time, timeUnit, comment) | The animation-delay property specifies a delay for the start of an animation. | |
AnimationDirection(animationDirection, comment) | The animation-direction property defines whether an animation should be played forwards, backwards or in alternate cycles. | |
AnimationDuration(time, timeUnit, comment) | The animation-duration property defines how long an animation should take to complete one cycle. | |
AnimationFillMode(fill, comment) | The animation-fill-mode property specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing (before it starts, after it ends, or both). | |
AnimationIterationCount(number, comment) | The animation-iteration-count property specifies the number of times an animation should be played. | |
AnimationName(name, comment) | The animation-name property specifies a name for the @keyframes animation. | |
AnimationPlayState(playstate, comment) | The animation-play-state property specifies whether the animation is running or paused. | |
AnimationTimingFunction(timingFunction, comment) | The animation-timing-function specifies the speed curve of an animation. | |
BackfaceVisibility(value, comment) | The backface-visibility property defines whether or not the back face of an element should be visible when facing the user. | |
BackgroundColor(value, comment) | Sets the background color of an element | |
BackgroundImage(image, repeat, attachment, position, size, origin, clip, comment) | Sets the background image for an element | |
Border(apply, size, color, style, comment) | Border | |
BorderCollapse(value, comment) | The border-collapse property sets whether table borders should collapse into a single border or be separated as in standard HTML. | |
Bottom(comment) | The bottom property affects the vertical position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
Bottom(value, unit, comment) | The bottom property affects the vertical position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
BoxDecorationBreak(value, comment) | The box-decoration-break property specifies how the background, padding, border, border-image, box-shadow, margin, and clip-path of an element is applied when the box for the element is fragmented. | |
BoxShadow(comment) | The box-shadow property attaches one or more shadows to an element. | |
BoxShadow(hOffset, vOffset, blur, spread, color, inset, comment) | The box-shadow property attaches one or more shadows to an element. | |
BoxSizing(value, comment) | The box-sizing property defines how the width and height of an element are calculated: should they include padding and borders, or not. | |
BreakAfter(value, comment) | The break-after property specifies whether or not a page break, column break, or region break should occur after the specified element. | |
BreakBefore(value, comment) | The break-before property specifies whether or not a page break, column break, or region break should occur before the specified element. | |
BreakInside(value, comment) | The break-inside property specifies whether or not a page break, column break, or region break should occur inside the specified element. | |
CaptionSide(value, comment) | The caption-side property specifies the placement of a table caption. | |
CaretColor(value, comment) | The caret-color property specifies the color of the cursor (caret) in inputs, textareas, or any element that is editable. | |
Clear(value, comment) | The clear property controls the flow next to floated elements. | |
Clip(top, right, bottom, left, comment) | The clip property lets you specify a rectangle to clip an absolutely positioned element. The rectangle is specified as four coordinates, all from the top-left corner of the element to be clipped. | |
ClipPath(svg, comment) | The clip-path property lets you clip an element to a basic shape or to an SVG source. | |
ClipPath(shape, comment) | The clip-path property lets you clip an element to a basic shape or to an SVG source. | |
ClipPath(value, comment) | The clip-path property lets you clip an element to a basic shape or to an SVG source. | |
Color(value, comment) | Colors are specified using predefined color names, or RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, HSLA values. | |
Columns(count, fill, gap, ruleWidth, ruleColor, ruleStyle, span, width, comment) | Define columns for a div tag | |
Content(attribute, comment) | The content property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content. | |
Content(text, isUrl, comment) | The content property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content. | |
Content(type, counterName, comment) | The content property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content. | |
CounterIncrement(name, comment) | The counter-increment property increases or decreases the value of one or more CSS counters. | |
CounterReset(name, comment) | The counter-reset property creates or resets one or more CSS counters. | |
Cursor(value, comment) | The cursor property specifies the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over an element. | |
Direction(value, comment) | The direction property specifies the text direction/writing direction within a block-level element. | |
Display(value, comment) | The display property specifies the display behavior (the type of rendering box) of an element. | |
EmptyCells(value, comment) | The empty-cells property sets whether or not to display borders on empty cells in a table. | |
Filter(filter, comment) | The filter property defines visual effects (like blur and saturation) to an element (often img). | |
Flex(size, direction, grow, shrink, wrap, comment) | The flex property sets the flexible length on flexible items. | |
Float(value, comment) | The float property specifies whether an element should float to the left, right, or not at all. | |
Font(family, size, sizeUnit, style, weight, strech, kerning, variant, comment) | Font | |
FontFamily(name, comment) | The font-family property specifies the font for an element. | |
FontKerning(value, comment) | The font-kerning property controls the usage of the kerning information stored in a font. | |
FontSize(size, sizeUnit, comment) | The font-size property sets the size of a font. | |
FontStretch(value, comment) | The font-stretch property allows you to make text narrower (condensed) or wider (expanded). | |
FontStyle(value, comment) | The font-style property specifies the font style for a text. | |
FontVariant(value, comment) | The font-variant property specifies whether or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font. | |
FontWeight(value, comment) | The font-weight property sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed | |
Gap(row, column, rowUnit, columnUnit, comment) | The gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows and columns. | |
Grid(rows, columns, comment) | Grid | |
Grid(areas, comment) | Grid | |
GridArea(name, comment) | The grid-area property can also be used to assign a name to a grid item. | |
GridArea(gridRowStart, gridColumnStart, gridRowEnd, gridColumnEnd, comment) | The grid-area property specifies a grid item’s size and location in a grid layout | |
GridAutoColumns(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The grid-auto-columns property sets a size for the columns in a grid container. | |
GridAutoColumns(value, comment) | The grid-auto-columns property sets a size for the columns in a grid container. | |
GridAutoFlow(value, comment) | The grid-auto-flow property controls how auto-placed items get inserted in the grid. | |
GridAutoRows(value, comment) | The grid-auto-rows property sets a size for the rows in a grid container. | |
GridAutoRows(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The grid-auto-rows property sets a size for the rows in a grid container. | |
GridColumn(gridColumnStart, gridColumnEnd, comment) | The grid-column property specifies a grid item’s size and location in a grid layout | |
GridColumnEnd(span, comment) | The grid-column-end property defines how many columns an item will span, or on which column-line the item will end | |
GridColumnGap(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The grid-column-gap property defines the size of the gap between the columns in a grid layout. | |
GridColumnStart(span, comment) | The grid-column-start property defines on which column-line the item will start. | |
GridGap(row, column, rowUnit, columnUnit, comment) | The grid-gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows and columns in a grid layout | |
GridRow(gridRowStart, gridRowEnd, comment) | The grid-row property specifies a grid item’s size and location in a grid layout | |
GridRowEnd(rowLine, comment) | The grid-row-end property defines how many rows an item will span, or on which row-line the item will end | |
GridRowGap(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The grid-row-gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows in a grid layout. | |
GridRowStart(rowLine, comment) | The grid-row-start property defines on which row-line the item will start. | |
GridTemplate(rows, columns, comment) | Grid Template | |
GridTemplate(areas, comment) | Grid Template | |
GridTemplateAreas(areas, comment) | Grid Template Areas | |
GridTemplateColumns(columns, comment) | The grid-template-columns property specifies the number (and the widths) of columns in a grid layout. | |
GridTemplateRows(rows, comment) | The grid-template-rows property specifies the number (and the heights) of the rows in a grid layout. | |
Height(comment) | The height property sets the height of an element. | |
Height(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The height property sets the height of an element. | |
Hyphens(value, comment) | The hyphens property defines whether hyphenation is allowed to create more soft wrap opportunities within a line of text. | |
ImageRendering(value, comment) | The image-rendering property specifies the type of algorithm to be used for image scaling. | |
Isolation(value, comment) | The isolation property defines whether an element must create a new stacking content. | |
JustifyContent(value, comment) | The justify-content property aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis (horizontally). | |
Left(comment) | The left property affects the horizontal position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
Left(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The left property affects the horizontal position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
LetterSpacing(length, comment) | The letter-spacing property increases or decreases the space between characters in a text. | |
LineHeight(comment) | The line-height property specifies the height of a line. | |
LineHeight(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The line-height property specifies the height of a line. | |
ListStyleImage(position, comment) | The list-style-position property specifies the position of the list-item markers (bullet points). | |
ListStyleImage(url, comment) | The list-style-image property replaces the list-item marker with an image. | |
ListStyleType(type, comment) | The list-style-type specifies the type of list-item marker in a list. | |
Margin(apply, length, comment) | The margin property sets the margins for an element | |
Mask(gradient, origin, position, repeat, width, height, widthUnit, heightUnit, comment) | Mask | |
MaxHeight(comment) | The max-height property defines the maximum height of an element. | |
MaxHeight(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The max-height property defines the maximum height of an element. | |
MaxWidth(comment) | The max-width property defines the maximum width of an element. | |
MaxWidth(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The max-width property defines the maximum width of an element. | |
MinHeight(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The min-height property defines the minimum height of an element. | |
MinWidth(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The min-width property defines the minimum width of an element. | |
MixBlendMode(value, comment) | The mix-blend-mode property specifies how an element’s content should blend with its direct parent background. | |
ObjectFit(value, comment) | The object-fit property is used to specify how an img or video should be resized to fit its container. | |
ObjectPosition(x, y, xUnit, yUnit, comment) | The object-position property is used together with object-fit to specify how an img or video should be positioned with x/y coordinates inside its “own content box”. | |
Opacity(value, comment) | The opacity property sets the opacity level for an element. | |
Order(value, comment) | The order property specifies the order of a flexible item relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. | |
Orphans(value, comment) | The orphans property specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the bottom of a page or column. | |
Outline(color, style, offset, width, widthUnit, comment) | An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the borders, to make the element “stand out”. | |
OutlineColor(value, comment) | The outline-color property specifies the color of an outline. | |
OutlineOffset(value, comment) | The outline-offset property adds space between the outline and the edge or border of an element. | |
OutlineStyle(value, comment) | The outline-style property specifies the style of an outline. | |
OutlineWidth(value, valueUnit, comment) | The outline-width specifies the width of an outline. | |
Overflow(value, comment) | The overflow property specifies what should happen if content overflows an element’s box. | |
OverflowWrap(value, comment) | The overflow-wrap property specifies whether or not the browser can break lines with long words, if they overflow the container. | |
OverflowX(value, comment) | The overflow-x property specifies whether to clip the content, add a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the left and right edges. | |
OverflowY(value, comment) | The overflow-y property specifies whether to clip the content, add a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the top and bottom edges. | |
Padding(apply, length, comment) | An element’s padding is the space between its content and its border. | |
PageBreakAfter(value, comment) | The page-break-after property adds a page-break after a specified element. | |
PageBreakBefore(value, comment) | The page-break-before property adds a page-break before a specified element. | |
PageBreakInside(value, comment) | The page-break-inside property sets whether a page-break should be avoided inside a specified element. | |
Perspective(value, comment) | The perspective property is used to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective. | |
PerspectiveOrigin(xAxis, yAxis, comment) | The perspective-origin property defines at from which position the user is looking at the 3D-positioned element. | |
PointerEvents(value, comment) | The pointer-events property defines whether or not an element reacts to pointer events. | |
Position(value, comment) | The position property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky). | |
Quotes(comment) | The quotes property sets the type of quotation marks for quotations. | |
Quotes(openQuoteFirst, closeQuoteFirst, openQuoteSecond, closeQuoteSecond, comment) | The quotes property sets the type of quotation marks for quotations. | |
Resize(value, comment) | The resize property defines if (and how) an element is resizable by the user. | |
Right(comment) | The right property affects the horizontal position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
RowGap(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The row-gap property specifies the gap between the grid rows. | |
ScrollBehavior(value, comment) | The scroll-behavior property specifies whether to smoothly animate the scroll position, instead of a straight jump, when the user clicks on a link within a scrollable box. | |
TableLayout(value, comment) | The table-layout property defines the algorithm used to lay out table cells, rows, and columns. | |
TabSize(value, comment) | The tab-size property specifies the width of a tab character. | |
TextAlign(value, comment) | The text-align property specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element. | |
TextAlignLast(value, comment) | The text-align-last property specifies how to align the last line of a text. | |
TextDecoration(style, color, line, thickness, thicknessUnit, comment) | The text-decoration property specifies the decoration added to text | |
TextDecorationColor(value, comment) | The text-decoration-color property specifies the color of the text-decoration (underlines, overlines, linethroughs). | |
TextDecorationLine(value, comment) | The text-decoration-line property sets the kind of text decoration to use (like underline, overline, line-through). | |
TextDecorationStyle(value, comment) | The text-decoration-style property sets the style of the text decoration (like solid, wavy, dotted, dashed, double). | |
TextDecorationThickness(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The text-decoration-thickness property specifies the thickness of the decoration line. | |
TextIndent(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line in a text-block. | |
TextJustify(value, comment) | The text-justify property specifies the justification method of text when text-align is set to “justify”. | |
TextOverflow(value, comment) | The text-overflow property specifies how overflowed content that is not displayed should be signaled to the user. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis (…), or display a custom string. | |
TextShadow(hOffset, vOffset, blur, color, comment) | The text-shadow property adds shadow to text. | |
TextShadow(comment) | The text-shadow property adds shadow to text. | |
Top(comment) | The top property affects the vertical position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
Top(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The top property affects the vertical position of a positioned element. This property has no effect on non-positioned elements. | |
Transform(transformation, comment) | The transform property applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. This property allows you to rotate, scale, move, skew, etc., elements. | |
TransformOrigin(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, comment) | The transform-origin property allows you to change the position of transformed elements. | |
TransformStyle(value, comment) | The transform-style property specifies how nested elements are rendered in 3D space. | |
Transition(duration, durationUnit, delay, delayUnit, properties, timingFunction, comment) | Transition | |
TransitionDelay(time, timeUnit, comment) | The transition-delay property specifies when the transition effect will start. | |
TransitionDuration(time, timeUnit, comment) | The transition-duration property specifies how many seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) a transition effect takes to complete. | |
TransitionProperty(properties, comment) | The transition-property property specifies the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for (the transition effect will start when the specified CSS property changes). | |
TransitionProperty(comment) | The transition-property property specifies the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for (the transition effect will start when the specified CSS property changes). | |
TransitionTimingFunction(timingFunction, comment) | The transition-timing-function property specifies the speed curve of the transition effect. | |
UnicodeBidi(bidi, comment) | The unicode-bidi property is used together with the direction property to set or return whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document. | |
UserSelect(select, comment) | The user-select property specifies whether the text of an element can be selected. | |
VerticalAlign(align, comment) | The vertical-align property sets the vertical alignment of an element. | |
Visibility(visibility, comment) | The visibility property specifies whether or not an element is visible. | |
WhiteSpace(space, comment) | The white-space property specifies how white-space inside an element is handled. | |
Widows(value, comment) | The widows property specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the top of a page or column. | |
Width(comment) | The width property sets the width of an element. | |
Width(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The width property sets the width of an element. | |
WordBreak(wordBreak, comment) | The word-break property specifies how words should break when reaching the end of a line. | |
WordSpacing(length, lengthUnit, comment) | The word-spacing property increases or decreases the white space between words. | |
WordSpacing(comment) | The word-spacing property increases or decreases the white space between words. | |
WordWrap(wordWrap, comment) | The word-wrap property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line. | |
WritingMode(writingMode, comment) | The writing-mode property specifies whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically. | |
ZIndex(value, comment) | The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. |
AddCSSRuleForMedia(css, cssRule)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AddCSSRuleForMedia(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule cssRule); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
cssRule | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule | CSS Rule |
AddKeyFrameSelector(css, keyFramesSelector)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AddKeyFrameSelector(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule keyFramesSelector); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
keyFramesSelector | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule | Key Frame Selector |
AddRule(css, name, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AddRule(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | Name |
value | System.String | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AlignContent(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AlignContent(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignContent value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignContent | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AlignItems(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AlignItems(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignItems value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignItems | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AlignSelf(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AlignSelf(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignSelf value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AlignSelf | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
All(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule All(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.All value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.All | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Animation(css, duration, durationUnit, delay, delayUnit, timingFunction, direction, fill, number, name, playstate, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Animation(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 duration, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time durationUnit, System.Int32 delay, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time delayUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction timingFunction, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AnimationDirection direction, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FillMode fill, System.Int32 number, System.String name, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Playstate playstate, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
duration | System.Int32 | The animation-duration property defines how long an animation should take to complete one cycle. |
durationUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
delay | System.Int32 | The animation-delay property specifies a delay for the start of an animation. |
delayUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
timingFunction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction | The animation-timing-function specifies the speed curve of an animation. |
direction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AnimationDirection | The animation-direction property defines whether an animation should be played forwards, backwards or in alternate cycles. |
fill | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FillMode | The animation-fill-mode property specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing (before it starts, after it ends, or both). |
number | System.Int32 | The animation-iteration-count property specifies the number of times an animation should be played. |
name | System.String | The animation-name property specifies a name for the @keyframes animation. |
playstate | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Playstate | The animation-play-state property specifies whether the animation is running or paused. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationDelay(css, time, timeUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationDelay(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 time, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time timeUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
time | System.Int32 | Defines the number of seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) to wait before the animation will start. Default value is 0. Negative values are allowed. If you use negative values, the animation will start as if it had already been playing for N seconds/milliseconds. |
timeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationDirection(css, animationDirection, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationDirection(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AnimationDirection animationDirection, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
animationDirection | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AnimationDirection | Animation Direction |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationDuration(css, time, timeUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationDuration(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 time, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time timeUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
time | System.Int32 | Specifies the length of time an animation should take to complete one cycle. This can be specified in seconds or milliseconds. Default value is 0, which means that no animation will occur |
timeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationFillMode(css, fill, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationFillMode(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FillMode fill, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
fill | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FillMode | Fill Mode |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationIterationCount(css, number, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationIterationCount(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 number, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
number | System.Int32 | A number that defines how many times an animation should be played. Default value is 1 |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationName(css, name, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationName(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationPlayState(css, playstate, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationPlayState(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Playstate playstate, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
playstate | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Playstate | Playstate |
comment | System.String | Comment |
AnimationTimingFunction(css, timingFunction, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule AnimationTimingFunction(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction timingFunction, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
timingFunction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction | Timing Function |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BackfaceVisibility(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BackfaceVisibility(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackfaceVisibility value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackfaceVisibility | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BackgroundColor(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BackgroundColor(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.String | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BackgroundImage(css, image, repeat, attachment, position, size, origin, clip, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BackgroundImage(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String image, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Repeat repeat, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Attachment attachment, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackgroundPosition position, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackgroundSize size, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Origin origin, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Clip clip, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
image | System.String | Image |
repeat | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Repeat | Sets how a background image will be repeated |
attachment | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Attachment | Sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page |
position | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackgroundPosition | Sets the starting position of a background image. |
size | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BackgroundSize | Specifies the size of the background images. |
origin | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Origin | Specifies the origin position (the background positioning area) of a background image. |
clip | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Clip | Specify how far the background should extend within an element |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Border(css, apply, size, color, style, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Border(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply apply, System.Int32 size, System.String color, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle style, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | |
apply | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply | Apply To |
size | System.Int32 | Size |
color | System.String | Color |
style | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle | Style |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BorderCollapse(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BorderCollapse(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Collapse value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Collapse | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Bottom(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Bottom(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Bottom(css, value, unit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Bottom(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage unit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Value |
unit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BoxDecorationBreak(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BoxDecorationBreak(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Break value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Break | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BoxShadow(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BoxShadow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BoxShadow(css, hOffset, vOffset, blur, spread, color, inset, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BoxShadow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 hOffset, System.Int32 vOffset, System.Int32 blur, System.Int32 spread, System.String color, System.Boolean inset, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
hOffset | System.Int32 | Required. The horizontal offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow on the right side of the box, a negative value puts the shadow on the left side of the box |
vOffset | System.Int32 | Required. The vertical offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow below the box, a negative value puts the shadow above the box |
blur | System.Int32 | Optional. The blur radius. The higher the number, the more blurred the shadow will be |
spread | System.Int32 | Optional. The spread radius. A positive value increases the size of the shadow, a negative value decreases the size of the shadow |
color | System.String | Optional. The color of the shadow. The default value is the text color. |
inset | System.Boolean | Optional. Changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) to an inner shadow |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BoxSizing(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BoxSizing(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Sizing value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Sizing | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BreakAfter(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BreakAfter(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.After value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.After | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BreakBefore(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BreakBefore(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Before value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Before | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
BreakInside(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule BreakInside(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Inside value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Inside | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
CaptionSide(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule CaptionSide(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Side value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Side | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
CaretColor(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule CaretColor(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.String | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Clear(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Clear(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Clear value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Clear | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Clip(css, top, right, bottom, left, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Clip(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 top, System.Int32 right, System.Int32 bottom, System.Int32 left, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
top | System.Int32 | Top |
right | System.Int32 | Right |
bottom | System.Int32 | Bottom |
left | System.Int32 | Left |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ClipPath(css, svg, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ClipPath(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String svg, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
svg | System.String | Defines a URL to an SVG clipPath element |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ClipPath(css, shape, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ClipPath(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Shape shape, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
shape | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Shape | Basic Shape |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ClipPath(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ClipPath(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Path value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Path | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Color(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Color(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.String | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Columns(css, count, fill, gap, ruleWidth, ruleColor, ruleStyle, span, width, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Columns(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 count, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Fill fill, System.Int32 gap, System.Int32 ruleWidth, System.String ruleColor, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle ruleStyle, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Span span, System.Int32 width, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
count | System.Int32 | The column-count property specifies the number of columns an element should be divided into. |
fill | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Fill | The column-fill property specifies how to fill columns, balanced or not. |
gap | System.Int32 | The column-gap property specifies the gap between the columns. |
ruleWidth | System.Int32 | The column-rule-width property specifies the width of the rule between columns. |
ruleColor | System.String | The column-rule-color property specifies the color of the rule between columns. |
ruleStyle | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle | The column-rule-style property specifies the style of the rule between columns. |
span | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Span | The column-span property specifies how many columns an element should span across. |
width | System.Int32 | The column-width property specifies the column width. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Content(css, attribute, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Content(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.HTMLAttribute attribute, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
attribute | CodiumSDK.CPL.HTMLAttribute | Sets the content to the attribute you specify |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Content(css, text, isUrl, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Content(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String text, System.Boolean isUrl, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
text | System.String | Sets the content to the text you specify |
isUrl | System.Boolean | Indicates is url the text |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Content(css, type, counterName, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Content(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Content type, System.String counterName, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
type | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Content | Sets the type of content |
counterName | System.String | Specify the counter name |
comment | System.String | Comment |
CounterIncrement(css, name, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule CounterIncrement(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | Name |
comment | System.String | Comment |
CounterReset(css, name, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule CounterReset(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | Name |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Cursor(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Cursor(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Cursor value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Cursor | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Direction(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Direction(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Direction value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Direction | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Display(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Display(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Display value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Display | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
EmptyCells(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule EmptyCells(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.EmptyCells value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.EmptyCells | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Filter(css, filter, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Filter(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Filter filter, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
filter | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Filter | Filter |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Flex(css, size, direction, grow, shrink, wrap, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Flex(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 size, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FlexDirection direction, System.Int32 grow, System.Int32 shrink, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Wrap wrap, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
size | System.Int32 | The flex-basis property specifies the initial length of a flexible item. |
direction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FlexDirection | The flex-direction property specifies the direction of the flexible items. |
grow | System.Int32 | The flex-grow property specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
shrink | System.Int32 | The flex-shrink property specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
wrap | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Wrap | The flex-wrap property specifies whether the flexible items should wrap or not. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Float(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Float(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Float value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Float | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Font(css, family, size, sizeUnit, style, weight, strech, kerning, variant, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Font(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String family, System.Int32 size, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units sizeUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FontStyle style, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Weight weight, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Strech strech, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Kerning kerning, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Variant variant, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
family | System.String | Specifies the font family. Default value depends on the browser |
size | System.Int32 | Specifies the font size |
sizeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units | Size Unit |
style | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FontStyle | Specifies the font style. Default value is "normal" |
weight | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Weight | Specifies the font weight. Default value is "normal" |
strech | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Strech | The font-stretch property allows you to make text narrower (condensed) or wider (expanded). |
kerning | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Kerning | The font-kerning property controls the usage of the kerning information stored in a font. |
variant | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Variant | Specifies the font variant. Default value is "normal" |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontFamily(css, name, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontFamily(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | Name |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontKerning(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontKerning(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Kerning value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Kerning | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontSize(css, size, sizeUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontSize(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 size, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units sizeUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
size | System.Int32 | Size |
sizeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontStretch(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontStretch(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Strech value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Strech | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontStyle(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontStyle(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FontStyle value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.FontStyle | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontVariant(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontVariant(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Variant value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Variant | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
FontWeight(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule FontWeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Weight value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Weight | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Gap(css, row, column, rowUnit, columnUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Gap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 row, System.Int32 column, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage rowUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage columnUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
row | System.Int32 | Row |
column | System.Int32 | Column |
rowUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
columnUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Grid(css, rows, columns, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Grid(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] rows, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] columns, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
rows | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
columns | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Columns |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Grid(css, areas, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Grid(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] areas, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
areas | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridArea(css, name, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridArea(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String name, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
name | System.String | Name |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridArea(css, gridRowStart, gridColumnStart, gridRowEnd, gridColumnEnd, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridArea(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String gridRowStart, System.String gridColumnStart, System.String gridRowEnd, System.String gridColumnEnd, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
gridRowStart | System.String | grid-row-start |
gridColumnStart | System.String | grid-column-start |
gridRowEnd | System.String | grid-row-end |
gridColumnEnd | System.String | grid-column-end |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridAutoColumns(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridAutoColumns(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridAutoColumns(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridAutoColumns(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoColumn value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoColumn | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridAutoFlow(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridAutoFlow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoFlow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoFlow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridAutoRows(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridAutoRows(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoRow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.AutoRow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridAutoRows(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridAutoRows(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridColumn(css, gridColumnStart, gridColumnEnd, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridColumn(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String gridColumnStart, System.String gridColumnEnd, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
gridColumnStart | System.String | grid-column-start |
gridColumnEnd | System.String | grid-column-end |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridColumnEnd(css, span, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridColumnEnd(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 span, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
span | System.Int32 | Specifies the number of columns the item will span |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridColumnGap(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridColumnGap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridColumnStart(css, span, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridColumnStart(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 span, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
span | System.Int32 | Specifies the number of columns the item will span |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridGap(css, row, column, rowUnit, columnUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridGap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 row, System.Int32 column, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage rowUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage columnUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
row | System.Int32 | Sets the size of the gap between the rows in a grid layout. 0 is the default value |
column | System.Int32 | Sets the size of the gap between the columns in a grid layout. 0 is the default value |
rowUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
columnUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridRow(css, gridRowStart, gridRowEnd, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridRow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String gridRowStart, System.String gridRowEnd, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
gridRowStart | System.String | grid-row-start |
gridRowEnd | System.String | grid-row-end |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridRowEnd(css, rowLine, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridRowEnd(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 rowLine, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
rowLine | System.Int32 | Specifies on which row to end the display of the item. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridRowGap(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridRowGap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridRowStart(css, rowLine, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridRowStart(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 rowLine, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
rowLine | System.Int32 | Specifies on which row to start the display of the item. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridTemplate(css, rows, columns, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridTemplate(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] rows, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] columns, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
rows | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
columns | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Columns |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridTemplate(css, areas, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridTemplate(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] areas, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
areas | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridTemplateAreas(css, areas, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridTemplateAreas(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] areas, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
areas | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridTemplateColumns(css, columns, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridTemplateColumns(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] columns, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
columns | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Columns |
comment | System.String | Comment |
GridTemplateRows(css, rows, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule GridTemplateRows(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] rows, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
rows | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | Rows |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Height(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Height(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Height(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Height(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Hyphens(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Hyphens(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Hyphens value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Hyphens | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ImageRendering(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ImageRendering(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ImageRendering value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ImageRendering | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Isolation(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Isolation(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Isolation value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Isolation | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
JustifyContent(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule JustifyContent(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.JustifyContent value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.JustifyContent | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Left(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Left(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Left(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Left(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
LetterSpacing(css, length, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule LetterSpacing(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
comment | System.String | Comment |
LineHeight(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule LineHeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
LineHeight(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule LineHeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ListStyleImage(css, position, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ListStyleImage(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.StylePosition position, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
position | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.StylePosition | Position |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ListStyleImage(css, url, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ListStyleImage(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String url, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
url | System.String | The path to the image to be used as a list-item marker |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ListStyleType(css, type, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ListStyleType(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.StyleType type, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
type | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.StyleType | Type |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Margin(css, apply, length, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Margin(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply apply, System.Int32 length, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | |
apply | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply | Apply To |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Mask(css, gradient, origin, position, repeat, width, height, widthUnit, heightUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Mask(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Gradient gradient, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskOrigin origin, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskPosition position, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskRepeat repeat, System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage widthUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage heightUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
gradient | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Gradient | Gradient |
origin | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskOrigin | The mask-origin property specifies the origin position (the mask position area) of a mask layer image. |
position | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskPosition | The mask-position property sets the starting position of a mask image (relative to the mask position area). |
repeat | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.MaskRepeat | The mask-repeat property sets if/how a mask image will be repeated. |
width | System.Int32 | Width |
height | System.Int32 | Height |
widthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
heightUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MaxHeight(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MaxHeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MaxHeight(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MaxHeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MaxWidth(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MaxWidth(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MaxWidth(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MaxWidth(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MinHeight(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MinHeight(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MinWidth(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MinWidth(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
MixBlendMode(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule MixBlendMode(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BlendMode value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BlendMode | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ObjectFit(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ObjectFit(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ObjectFit value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ObjectFit | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ObjectPosition(css, x, y, xUnit, yUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ObjectPosition(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 x, System.Int32 y, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage xUnit, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage yUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
x | System.Int32 | x-axis |
y | System.Int32 | y-axis |
xUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
yUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Opacity(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Opacity(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Decimal value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Decimal | Specifies the opacity. From 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Order(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Order(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Default value 0. Specifies the order for the flexible item |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Orphans(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Orphans(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the bottom of a page or column. Negative values are not allowed |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Outline(css, color, style, offset, width, widthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Outline(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String color, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle style, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 width, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units widthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
color | System.String | The outline-color property specifies the color of an outline. |
style | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle | The outline-style property specifies the style of an outline. |
offset | System.Int32 | The outline-offset property adds space between the outline and the edge or border of an element. |
width | System.Int32 | The outline-width specifies the width of an outline. |
widthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OutlineColor(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OutlineColor(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.String | Specifies the color of the outline. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OutlineOffset(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OutlineOffset(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | The distance the outline is outset from the border edge. Default value is 0 |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OutlineStyle(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OutlineStyle(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderStyle | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OutlineWidth(css, value, valueUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OutlineWidth(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units valueUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Allows you to define the thickness of the outline. |
valueUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Units | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Overflow(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Overflow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OverflowWrap(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OverflowWrap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.OverflowWrap value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.OverflowWrap | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OverflowX(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OverflowX(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
OverflowY(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule OverflowY(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Overflow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Padding(css, apply, length, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Padding(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply apply, System.Int32 length, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | |
apply | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.BorderApply | Apply To |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
comment | System.String | Comment |
PageBreakAfter(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule PageBreakAfter(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageAfter value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageAfter | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
PageBreakBefore(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule PageBreakBefore(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageBefore value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageBefore | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
PageBreakInside(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule PageBreakInside(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageInside value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PageInside | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Perspective(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Perspective(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | How far the element is place |
comment | System.String | Comment |
PerspectiveOrigin(css, xAxis, yAxis, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule PerspectiveOrigin(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.XAxis xAxis, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.YAxis yAxis, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
xAxis | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.XAxis | Defining where the view is placed at the x-axis |
yAxis | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.YAxis | Defining where the view is placed at the y-axis |
comment | System.String | Comment |
PointerEvents(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule PointerEvents(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PointerEvents value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.PointerEvents | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Position(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Position(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Positions value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Positions | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Quotes(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Quotes(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Quotes(css, openQuoteFirst, closeQuoteFirst, openQuoteSecond, closeQuoteSecond, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Quotes(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String openQuoteFirst, System.String closeQuoteFirst, System.String openQuoteSecond, System.String closeQuoteSecond, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
openQuoteFirst | System.String | open-quote first level |
closeQuoteFirst | System.String | close-quote first level |
openQuoteSecond | System.String | open-quote second level |
closeQuoteSecond | System.String | close-quote second level |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Resize(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Resize(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Resize value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Resize | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Right(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Right(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
RowGap(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule RowGap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ScrollBehavior(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ScrollBehavior(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Behavior value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Behavior | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TableLayout(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TableLayout(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TableLayout value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TableLayout | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TabSize(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TabSize(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | The number of space-characters to be displayed for each tab-character. Default value is 8 |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextAlign(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextAlign(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextAlign value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextAlign | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextAlignLast(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextAlignLast(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextAlignLast value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextAlignLast | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextDecoration(css, style, color, line, thickness, thicknessUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextDecoration(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationStyle style, System.String color, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationLine line, System.Int32 thickness, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage thicknessUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
style | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationStyle | The text-decoration-style property sets the style of the text decoration (like solid, wavy, dotted, dashed, double). |
color | System.String | The text-decoration-color property specifies the color of the text-decoration (underlines, overlines, linethroughs). |
line | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationLine | The text-decoration-line property sets the kind of text decoration to use (like underline, overline, line-through). |
thickness | System.Int32 | The text-decoration-thickness property specifies the thickness of the decoration line. |
thicknessUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextDecorationColor(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextDecorationColor(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.String | Specifies the color of the outline. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextDecorationLine(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextDecorationLine(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationLine value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationLine | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextDecorationStyle(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextDecorationStyle(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationStyle value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextDecorationStyle | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextDecorationThickness(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextDecorationThickness(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextIndent(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextIndent(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextJustify(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextJustify(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextJustify value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextJustify | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextOverflow(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextOverflow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextOverflow value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TextOverflow | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextShadow(css, hOffset, vOffset, blur, color, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextShadow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 hOffset, System.Int32 vOffset, System.Int32 blur, System.String color, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
hOffset | System.Int32 | Required. The horizontal offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow on the right side of the box, a negative value puts the shadow on the left side of the box |
vOffset | System.Int32 | Required. The vertical offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow below the box, a negative value puts the shadow above the box |
blur | System.Int32 | Optional. The blur radius. The higher the number, the more blurred the shadow will be |
color | System.String | Optional. The color of the shadow. The default value is the text color. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TextShadow(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TextShadow(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Top(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Top(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Top(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Top(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Transform(css, transformation, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Transform(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Transformation transformation, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
transformation | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Transformation | Transformation |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransformOrigin(css, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransformOrigin(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.XAxis xAxis, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.YAxis yAxis, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ZAxis zAxis, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
xAxis | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.XAxis | Defines where the view is placed at the x-axis. |
yAxis | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.YAxis | Defines where the view is placed at the y-axis. |
zAxis | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.ZAxis | Defines where the view is placed at the z-axis (for 3D transformations). |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransformStyle(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransformStyle(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TransformStyle value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TransformStyle | Value |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Transition(css, duration, durationUnit, delay, delayUnit, properties, timingFunction, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Transition(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 duration, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time durationUnit, System.Int32 delay, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time delayUnit, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] properties, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction timingFunction, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
duration | System.Int32 | The transition-duration property specifies how many seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms) a transition effect takes to complete. |
durationUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
delay | System.Int32 | The transition-delay property specifies when the transition effect will start. |
delayUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
properties | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | The transition-property property specifies the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for (the transition effect will start when the specified CSS property changes). |
timingFunction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction | The transition-timing-function property specifies the speed curve of the transition effect. |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransitionDelay(css, time, timeUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransitionDelay(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 time, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time timeUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
time | System.Int32 | Specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds to wait before the transition effect will start |
timeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransitionDuration(css, time, timeUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransitionDuration(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 time, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time timeUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
time | System.Int32 | Specifies how many seconds or milliseconds a transition effect takes to complete. Default value is 0s, meaning there will be no effect |
timeUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Time | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransitionProperty(css, properties, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransitionProperty(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] properties, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
properties | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] | List of properties |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransitionProperty(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransitionProperty(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
TransitionTimingFunction(css, timingFunction, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule TransitionTimingFunction(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction timingFunction, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
timingFunction | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.TimingFunction | Timing Function |
comment | System.String | Comment |
UnicodeBidi(css, bidi, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule UnicodeBidi(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Bidi bidi, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
bidi | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Bidi | Bidi |
comment | System.String | Comment |
UserSelect(css, select, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule UserSelect(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Select select, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
select | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Select | Select |
comment | System.String | Comment |
VerticalAlign(css, align, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule VerticalAlign(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.VerticalAlign align, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
align | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.VerticalAlign | Align |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Visibility(css, visibility, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Visibility(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Visibility visibility, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
visibility | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.Visibility | Visibility |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WhiteSpace(css, space, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WhiteSpace(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WhiteSpace space, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
space | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WhiteSpace | Space |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Widows(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Widows(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the top of a page or column. Negative values are not allowed |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Width(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Width(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
Width(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule Width(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WordBreak(css, wordBreak, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WordBreak(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WordBreak wordBreak, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
wordBreak | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WordBreak | Word Break |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WordSpacing(css, length, lengthUnit, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WordSpacing(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 length, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage lengthUnit, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
length | System.Int32 | Length |
lengthUnit | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.UnitsWithPercentage | Unit |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WordSpacing(css, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WordSpacing(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WordWrap(css, wordWrap, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WordWrap(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WordWrap wordWrap, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
wordWrap | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WordWrap | Word Wrap |
comment | System.String | Comment |
WritingMode(css, writingMode, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule WritingMode(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WritingMode writingMode, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
writingMode | CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule.WritingMode | Writing Mode |
comment | System.String | Comment |
ZIndex(css, value, comment)
C# |
public CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule ZIndex(this CodiumSDK.CPL.CSSRule css, System.Int32 value, System.String comment); |
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
css | this | css |
value | System.Int32 | Sets the stack order of the element. Negative numbers are allowed |
comment | System.String | Comment |